Sunday, January 28, 2007

the power of prayer

it was Friday morning and was supposed to be a regular visit to my mom, who is in the hospital for a mild stroke. (This is quite an ironic term since a stroke is a stroke, it may not lead to cardiac arrest, but it still affects your heart and the people who care for you), anyway, so we get there and people are all over my mom, her vitals have dipped to near fatal lows and they are doing all they can to make her comfortable.

We were all surprised as she was laughing and quite jolly the night before.

At this point each of my siblings, I am sure are mumbling their prayers in their head. I myself have been talking to God the whole time.

And then the dreaded TALK was inevitable, we sat in a conference room with the doctors and we were given the current scenario. I have prepared myself for this a long time ago, knowing that my parents are not getting any younger. But even if you are prepared you still have this feeling that "this is not happening to me," so we sat there and discussed things, and options and eventualities.

This was going to be one of the most difficult and most important decision I had to do, the good thing is all my siblings had the same decision.

Long story short, my mom is in quite stable condition, her vitals are doing good and her heart and kidneys are holding up to the medication.

At this point, I would thank all my friends, relatives and loved ones who have showed what the power of prayer could do. All her doctors were surprised at her recovery, but still we have to watch her constantly.

I love my mom, she is the sole reason why I am here and why I am what I am right now.

I am still ready for anything that will happen, I just wish it won't be put to the test again.

We breathe easier for now, but we continue to support her with everything we have.

Thank God!