Monday, October 25, 2021

a new senior citizen

 By this time tomorrow, I will officially be a senior citizen, 60 yrs old, my what an accomplishment. There was a time in my life that I thought I might not reach this age or thought of it as such a hard accomplishment.

There are things in my life that I never dreamt of doing but I was able to, I thought I would not amount to anything but I did, having been able to achieve, by God's grace a very high position of Chief Information Officer and to think that I am a mechanical engineer by education. 

I have travelled to the US (MD, FL, NY, NJ, VA, DC, CA,
TN, MI) even lived there, been to Australia (QLD, WA, NT, NSW, VIC); a place I truly love, strolled the streets of Singapore and Hong Kong and feasted on the cuisine of Malaysia. 

I have flown on private planes, worked inside a gold mine, seen how gold is smelted, drove on the right side of the road, been an Uber driver and have flown
commercially on first class.

I am happy with what I have achieved, content with what I have. I have a great family, wonderful friends and acquaintances all over the world, I can't complain. 

The greatest achievement I have at this point in time is that I am a servant of God, I am so glad I found Jesus and have been with Him for the last 12 yrs. I owe everything to God, Jesus has changed me, transformed my life and made me a new person. I am not perfect but I have changed and continuously improved.

I have found that the material things in this world will not make me happy, it used to make me angry and envious and worked hard just to have the latest gadgets. 

But I am grateful, thankful for everyone I have met along the way, those who have helped me change by seeing what I have become and seeing what I do not want to become. Thank you, Lord for the life lessons, for the people you sent my way to teach me and to make me realise the change I need to do in my life. 

Allow me to continue to serve you and to serve others as a way of thanking you for my life. Thank you, Jesus.

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