Saturday, June 27, 2015

my poor country

I haven't written in a long while and I am doing so again in light of what is happening to this country of mine.

I am proud to be a Filipino, even if I worked in other countries before and eve tried to migrate, my heart will always be Filipino; I jokingly say that there is too much adobo and bagoong (shirmp paste) in my blood for me to become otherwise.

I have longed for reform, being a product of the Marcos administration and having seen what happened during the martial law days and comparing it to what I see now and the past administrations (Aquino, Ramos, Estrada, Arroyo) and what the current Aquino government is providing, I can say that the country has declined ever since the Marcos left the country. I am not pro-Marcos or anti-government, I am stating from the experience of a citizen who has lived in this country 51 out of my 53 years so far ( I lived in the US and worked overseas a lot).

Why is this topic coming up, well in the next 6 months the Philippines will again be in an election year and I feel sad for my country. I actually am scared for my children and their families as to what this once great country of ours will become when the new administration is in place. Just look at the candidates we have right now, I do not see anyone qualified to run for office, someone who can really turn it around and make us great again. No one who has the ability to become a great statesman or stateswoman who can represent us globally. Someone with a plan as they say to move this country into the future.

Looking at the current candidates I personally have o one to choose out of them specially those being popularly mentioned. We will again be given the choice of two evils as this once great country of ours is again caught between a rock and a hard place.

I was suggesting before to my friends to have a church leader as a president so that they can be honest but again even if the leader is honest but the people advicing him/her are corrupt then it will also become difficult. Another suggestion was to have the country run like a business corporation and have one of our great businessmen run the country, but coming from a corporation, the politics there are even more cut-throat than government. So where will we go, we can't trust anybody anymore, as I see it, the change should come from each and every one of us. We have lost the love of country we have grown to become individualistic and try to survive on our own. It is as if it is every man for himself and no one thinks of his fellowman anymore.

This is what the country needs, we should start loving our country again, we should once again be proud to be a Filipino and not just when we gain international fame like Pacquiao or beauty queens or those Fil-Am, Fil-Asian talents in those reality shows. Be proud of your country of your heritage, make sacrifices for your country not jut for yourself.

I know we can be great again, we have that spirit in us, it just died or became dormant because we didn't have the right leader, not in a very long time.

I pray for my country, i pray for the future of my children and the generations to come.

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