I am not siding with the government but if you look at the facts being presented, how can a career political person working for the government have so much money and assets. let us forego the assets, how can you have more millions in local currency in several bank accounts and another huge foreign currency account in another. it is mathematically impossible to compute based on his salary alone which he has declared, his wife is not working either.
Worse case scenario, if he is cleared of the current charges he will be charged with tax evasion and making false declarations on his statement of assets and liabilities.
Bottom line, you may get away with it now or for several years but you will never get away with it forever. The eyes of God is always looking down on you and He gives you time to mend your ways but if you do not realize your mistakes then the Good Lord will be the one to make you realize it Himself. So what will you do now with with your millions if you land in jail and the government sequesters you assets.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - 5 Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, 6 and in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
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