Saturday, February 24, 2007

my mom

thought I wasn't going to do this, but I just couldn't help it. I miss my mom, she passed away 3 weeks ago.
she was a strong woman, in every sense. when I was young I used to think she was invincible, I never saw her get sick or anything. she never got tired, I would always see her doing things at home, cleaning, cooking ironing, helping us with our school work, always looking after us.
she had a heart of gold, a hearty laugh and a compassionate soul. she always took care of us, even my kids. she always thought of us even to the very end.
I shall miss her very much, but I am relieved in a way that she is now in a happier place with my dad. she had to endure a lot for the past 5 years, with her failing eyesight due to glaucoma, her aching joints due to arthritis, the loss of my dad 2 yrs ago and then losing her leg due to complications with her diabetes.
I hope we were able to make her life comfortable the last few years and moments she had, we tried our best. she was never to complain, but I knew she was deeply saddened with the loss of my dad for she loved him very much. my dad spoiled her but in a good way.
I am now without both my parents, but at least they saw us become professionals and I just hope we made them proud of what we have become.
I shall instill what I have learned from them on my own children and try my best to be like them.
I am going to miss my mom and my dad.
thank you to both of you for making me what I am today. I will continue to do you proud.
I love you!

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